List top processes using memory from Windows commandline

This seems to do the trick for listing processes by memory usage. I’m most interested in the top 9 processes (I have to figure out why the regexp isn’t working in findstr for anything over 10 in a range like [1-15].

tasklist /NH | sort /R /+65 | findstr /N . | findstr  "^[1-9]:"

Here’s an example output.

C:\Users\rjk>tasklist /NH | sort /R /+65 | findstr /N . | findstr  "^[1-9]:"
1:dwm.exe                       1640 Console                    1  4,232,012 K
2:OUTLOOK.EXE                  10600 Console                    1    590,128 K
3:explorer.exe                  3824 Console                    1    342,608 K
4:SearchHost.exe                7016 Console                    1    316,300 K
5:chrome.exe                    4340 Console                    1    279,036 K
6:PhoneExperienceHost.exe      13136 Console                    1    231,060 K
7:MsMpEng.exe                  12364 Services                   0    215,128 K
8:testEmbedNet9401.servUnde     1772 Console                    1    205,808 K
9:msedge.exe                   26452 Console                    1    189,468 K

This goes in line with some other work I’ve done in determining CPU usage using command line (wmic specifically) from the following articles:
